Surface finishing procedures and tools.

Deburring and edge rounding tools, depending on the process, will run across the sheet metal surface. This will create a texture that may be desirable or undesirable - depending on application. Paint adhesion requires a rougher surface but for optical reasons often a finer finish is demanded. In many cases, however, the user is already satisfied with the results that deburring and edge rounding tools deliver for an appealing surface texture. In order to give the sheet metal a defined finish, we use surface finishing units. 

The surface conditioning possibilities of a deburring machine are limited. The units in deburring machines are not suitable for a targeted normalized finish that we know from steel service centers. Nevertheless, the sheet metal surface can be improved by an additional wide belt unit and its non-woven abrasives after deburring and edge rounding. Here, various non-woven abrasives are available. The choice of “grit” sets the roughness or texture of the surface. Thus in common applications that are used in sheet metal processing, they achieve the desired surfaces for further processing. The surface finishing units and procedures presented here are specifically meant for that.

Surface treatment procedures at a glance:

  • Wide belt unit
  • Non-woven roller



Surface treatment with a non-woven roller.

Surface treatment with a non-woven roller

The non-woven roller has a core that is surrounded by an abrasive fabric. The roller in the machine is set to rotate and presses on the surface of the sheets passing underneath. As a result, small scratches are eliminated and a finish is applied to the surface. The non-woven roller produces a very homogeneous grinding pattern. It is advantageous for the tools, if the flow path varies in order to maintain uniform wear and thus reliable processing. The choice of abrasives and “grits” will influence the grinding results.

Surface treatment with a wide belt unit.

Surface treatment with a wide belt unit.

Wide belt units are probably the most commonly used surface treatment units. Here, two rollers drive the non-woven abrasive that is attached between them. One roller is used entirely for redirecting while the other pushes the non-woven onto the metal surface. The scratches are removed from the contact surface where the non-woven fabric touches the sheet metal. In addition, the desired surface texture is created. The non-woven abrasive fabrics used are available in different designs and define removal performance and roughness of the surfaces.

The surface finish is the result of the interplay of machine, abrasives as well as delivery and optimal processing speed.

Additional information.


Andreas Zimmer

Andreas Zimmer
Application Engineer
P: +1 513 985-0500


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